Felixton College is set in the secure, leafy village of Felixton, 8 kilometres south of Empangeni on the Kwa Zulu Natal North Coast. The village is surrounded by an electric fence and has two security access points.
Felixton College has become famous for its outstanding achievements in the classroom, on the sports field and on stage.
Despite our small size, we compete with top KZN schools in the Maths, English and Afrikaans Olympiads at primary and high school level. We boast outstanding Matric results in the internationally recognised IEB examinations and there has been a sharp increase in the number of distinctions obtained over the past few years. On the sports field we compete with much bigger schools and are now recognised in the press as the top cricketing school in Zululand.
On the stage, Felixton College is well known for outstanding dance and dramatic shows. Our singers have received wide acclaim in national and international competitions. Examples abound on our latest Distinctions Sheet.
Felixton College has retained the friendly family ethos that is well-known to Old Felixtonians.
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