Honour God. Honour Others.
Honour Self. Honour the Environment.

Honour God. Honour Others. Honour Self.

Honour the Environment.

Newsletter 02/2024

Dear Parents


Please find the following flash points of information as we move into the third week of Term 1.

Staff news
Heartfelt congratulations to Mrs Mathew and Mrs Petzer on the birth of their respective daughters. We welcome Charlotte Jane Mathew (born 23 January 2024) and Madison Elsie Petzer (born 30 January 2024) into our Felixton College family.


Swimming pool
Unfortunately, the pump that services our College pool has broken down. The swimming pool is therefore currently out of commission, but we are in the process of addressing the situation and aim to have the pool back in use by next week.


Big Red Picnic
The Big Red Picnic, held on Friday 2 February, was a wonderful evening of fun, laughter, and play, for parents, pupils, and staff. With epic tunes being delivered in superb fashion by our very own Mr Beukes (and a beautiful impromptu rendition of “Chosen Family” by Meghan Hall, Eliisa Stewart, Aariyah Reddy, and Madie Beukes), the picnic once again served to highlight our distinctive, heart-warming, sense of community and conviviality – and excellent taste in music.

Parents are requested to be punctual at the pick-up and drop-off points. Please also be reminded, that as stated in previous communications, our buses are not permitted to stop once they have started their trip, nor are they allowed to stop on the side of the road, except for an emergency.


IEB subject conferences
Our High School teachers have returned from IEB subject conferences held over the weekend, and are suitably invigorated and inspired by the presentations and networking opportunities. While there were many interesting talks, the common thread seems to revolve around Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the educational, and more directly, academic space, in schools. Once the teachers have compared notes, we will consider appropriate pathways to navigate this space from an informed perspective.


Logos Hope
Our Junior School children have the privilege of visiting the Logos Hope this week, which is docked in Richards Bay. According to GBA SHIPS, the Logos Hope is the world’s largest floating book fair and it welcomes over one million visitors on board each year. It offers over 5000 titles, providing many visitors their first opportunity to purchase quality literature.

I take my inspiration from Dr Seuss as I close with “The more that you read, the more things you will know; the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Have a wonderful week.
Kind regards

Wayne Rademan

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